Visible Light Catalysis Visible Light Catalysis


Construction and visible-light-photocatalysis of a novel ternary heterostructure BiOI/(001)TiO2/Ti3C2

  • 详细信息
标题: Construction and visible-light-photocatalysis of a novel ternary heterostructure BiOI/(001)TiO2/Ti3C2
资源摘要: Title: Construction and visible-light-photocatalysis of a novel ternary heterostructure BiOI/(001)TiO2/Ti3C2
Author(s): Ke, Tao; Shen, Shuyi; Yang, Kun; et al.
Source: NANOTECHNOLOGY, 31 (34): AUG 21 2020
Document Type: Article
资源来源机构: web of science
来源机构所属国家: America
来源机构性质: scitific