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Study of TiO2/Ti4O(7) photo-anodes inserted in an activated carbon packed bed cathode: Towards the development of 3D-type photo-electro-Fenton reactors for water treatment

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标题: Study of TiO2/Ti4O(7) photo-anodes inserted in an activated carbon packed bed cathode: Towards the development of 3D-type photo-electro-Fenton reactors for water treatment
资源摘要: Title: Study of TiO2/Ti4O(7) photo-anodes inserted in an activated carbon packed bed cathode: Towards the development of 3D-type photo-electro-Fenton reactors for water treatment
Author(s): Becerril-Estrada, V; Robles, I; Martinez-Sanchez, C.; et al.
Source: ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 340: APR 20 2020
Document Type: Article
资源来源机构: web of science
来源机构所属国家: America
来源机构性质: scitific


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