Photoelectrochemical Cell Photoelectrochemical Cell


Heptacoordinated W(IV) Cyanido Supramolecular Complex Trapped by Photolysis of a [W(CN)(6)(bpy)](2-)/Zn(2+)System

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标题: Heptacoordinated W(IV) Cyanido Supramolecular Complex Trapped by Photolysis of a [W(CN)(6)(bpy)](2-)/Zn(2+)System
资源摘要: Title: Heptacoordinated W(IV) Cyanido Supramolecular Complex Trapped by Photolysis of a [W(CN)(6)(bpy)](2-)/Zn(2+)System
Author(s): Hodorowicz, Maciej; Szklarzewicz, Janusz; Radon, Mariusz; et al.
Source: CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 20 (12): 7742-7749 DEC 2 2020
Document Type: Article
资源来源机构: web of science
来源机构所属国家: America
来源机构性质: scitific