Li-Zhu Wu Li-Zhu Wu

最小化 最大化

Prof. Li-Zhu Wu

Professor of Chemistry

Director of the Lab of Supramolecular Photochemistry


Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

No. 29 Zhongguancun East Road

Beijing 100190, P. R. China

Tel.: 86-10-82543580 (Office)







1990              B.Sc., Department of Chemistry, Lanzhou University, P. R. China

1990-1995      Ph.D, Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

(Supervisor: Prof. Chen-Ho Tung)


Professional Career

1995-1998      Associate professor, Institute of Photographic Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

1997-1998      Postdoctoral fellow, the University of Hong Kong (with Prof. Chi-Ming Che)

1998-now       Professor, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)


Research Interests

Our primary interests are focused on photochemical conversion, including

  1. Artificial photosynthesis for hydrogen and oxygen evolution as well as carbon dioxide reduction;
  2. Visible light catalysis for efficient organic transformation, particularly for activation of inert chemical bonds using photochemical strategies;
  3. Photoinduced electron transfer, energy transfer and chemical reactions in supramolecular systems.



2001   Distinguished Young Scholar supported by National Natural Science Foundation

2004   "New Century Talents Project" award of China

2005   "National Natural Science" the second award as second principal investigator

2006   "Hundred Talents Program" for outstanding performance, CAS

2006   "The 3th Young Women Scientists" award Nomination of China

2007   "Outstanding Overseas Chinese Youth Fund" supported by National Natural Science Foundation

2007   "The 10thChina Youth Science and Technology" award

2009   "The 3th Ten Outstanding Women" award, CAS

2010   "The 7th Young Women Scientists"award of China

2011   "Zhu Li YuehuaOutstanding Teachers"award, CAS

2013   "The 10th Physical Organic Chemistry"award of China

2016   "The 3th Chinese Chemical Society-Evonik Chemical Innovation" award



More than 230 scientific publications,including original, peer reviewed articles, book chapters, have been published by Prof. Wu.  

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